Make your life unforgettable.
The elements that we have put together for our customer’s JACK WOLFSKIN autumn/winter campaign express what life is really about when it all comes down to it: the special events, trips, adventures and moments that we will never forget as long as we live. Indeed, that’s why we all go out and travel, hike, discover the unusual and collect the stories that we so love to tell. The #MakeYourLifeUnforgettable message embodies the emotional heart of this concept.
How can the JACK WOLFSKIN brand once again be represented on the market through a campaign that is both attention-grabbing and emotionally charged? The message should be believable, authentic and at the same time motivating, and in turn combined with powerful images from the world of JACK WOLFSKIN to position the company as an outdoor gear manufacturer.

The solution is as simple as it is appealing. Why? Because the new campaign message focuses on those things that occupy our minds when we allow our imaginations to wander. What is the real purpose of life? We think that it is life itself – pure, exciting and wild. Adventures in the great outdoors, the freedom to travel where we are drawn to travel and to discover those things that interest us the most. And the motivating message – #MakeYourLifeUnforgettable – epitomizes this! Images showing people in unforgettable outdoor and travel moments while taking a selfie will accompany that message. And JACK WOLFSKIN will be there with those people when they venture out into nature, when they experience what has true value – unforgettable moments. For this reason, the film and photo production sites for the campaign were set in the Arctic. These breathtaking sequences and images were then integrated into the current TV ad, the images for use at PoS and in the social media communication strategy.